Light Weapons in Deepwoken: Becoming a Speed Demon

Published on | By Alex

Yo, Deepwoken speedsters! 👋 Ready to zoom around the battlefield like a caffeinated ninja? Today we're diving into the world of light weapons in Deepwoken. These bad boys are all about speed and agility, perfect for those who think the best defense is not getting hit at all!

What's the Deal with Light Weapons?

Light weapons in Deepwoken are like the sports cars of the weapon world - fast, flashy, and ready to zoom past enemy defenses. They include:

  • Daggers: For when you want to poke holes in your enemies, fast
  • Fists: Because sometimes you just gotta punch things
  • Guns: Pew pew from a distance!
  • Rapiers: En garde, you scurvy dogs!

Why Choose Light Weapons?

Light weapons in Deepwoken are all about that hit-and-run life. Here's why they rock:

  • Speed: Attack faster than a kid spotting the ice cream truck
  • Agility: Dance around your enemies like you're in a deadly ballet
  • Combo Potential: String hits together like you're playing Guitar Hero
  • Low Stamina Cost: Keep swinging when others are gasping for air

Light Weapon Showdown: Comparing the Speedy Bois

1. Daggers

Daggers are like angry wasps - small but oh-so-annoying. They're the fastest weapons in Deepwoken, perfect for stabby-stabby action.

  • Top Pick: Nemit's Sickle (60 LHT, 30% penetration - it's like it's made of butter!)
  • Pro Tip: Great for inflicting bleed and running away giggling

2. Fists

For when you want to get up close and personal. Fists in Deepwoken let you punch your way to victory.

  • Top Pick: Light's Final Toll (60 WLL, 35 LHT - for when you want to punch with the power of justice)
  • Pro Tip: Switch between Way of Navae and Legion Kata for maximum face-punching potential

3. Guns

Because sometimes you just want to say "pew pew" while fighting. Guns offer a unique ranged option for light weapon users.

  • Top Pick: Dragoon (65 LHT - it's like a hand cannon, but cooler)
  • Pro Tip: Great for annoying enemies from a distance or finishing off low-health foes

4. Rapiers

For the fancy fighters who want to feel like they're in a swashbuckling movie.

  • Top Pick: Crucible Rapier (75 LHT, 20% penetration - slice through armor like it's made of cheese)
  • Pro Tip: Master the 4-hit critical attack for maximum damage output

Pro Strats for Light Weapon Users

  • Stay Mobile: You're fast, so use it! Don't stand still like a dummy
  • Master Dodging: Your best defense is not getting hit
  • Use Combos: String those hits together like you're making a weapon mixtape
  • Know When to Retreat: You're not a tank, so don't try to be one

Conclusion: Embrace the Speed!

Light weapons in Deepwoken are all about speed, finesse, and making your enemies wonder what hit them. Whether you're stabbing, punching, shooting, or fencing, remember: in the world of light weapons, if you're not first, you're last!

Want to craft the perfect speedy build? Check out our rad Deepwoken Builder Tool! It's like a speed dating app for your character and weapons.

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